Wednesday, March 9, 2016

This is Me!

I am creative! This is me! I have to admit it. I love everything about being creative.  Anyone with a creative flair knows exactly what I mean.  You get this amazing idea.  It consumes your brain. You get a headache.  You run on adrenaline and you have to have it or make it or draw or paint it or glue or, or, or!  Naturally, you look to your favorite place to make sure it hasn't already be done.  PINTEREST!  Yep!  It's been done.  That's ok.  We can do it anyway and make it our own.  That's pretty much all the world of creative people can do anymore.  Recreate it!

On this note, this is exactly what my husband and I have decided to do.  Take an idea, redo it or recreate it to make it something new or better.  We do come up with some pretty cool stuff of our own though.
I have always had a passion for the arts of any form and my husband loves to build whatever I give him the plans to do, so we prayed for almost a year and came up with "Mcmaemic."  Our dream of doing what we love is here.  It has been a slow start but we are hopeful that we've created our vision that will be pleasing to God and our family values.  I hope you all will check it out and give us some feedback.  Go to: or  and see if there is anything you like, let us know.  We love your feedback to help improve what we do.  We will be posting some of our DIY plans so I hope you come back soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Love it! The masterpieces you are making from people's so called junk are amazing! Keep creating!


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