Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Are You Feeling Weak? Have Peace!

2 Corinthians 12:1-10

          Are you feeling weak today?  Have you lost a loved one?  Maybe your insecurities are pilling up? Do bills need to be paid and kids mouths need to be fed but the money is nowhere?  Are you an alcoholic, drug user?  Are your addictions controlling you without any hope in sight?  Are you lonely?
          Whatever your weakness is today, look to Paul from 2 Corinthians for peace.  Paul talks about a thorn that has been placed in his flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment him.  Three times he pleaded with God to take this thorn away. (2 Corinthians 12: 7&8)  How often do we ask God over and over again to remove these thorns or hardship from our lives.  We pray so hard and we try to perform just perfectly; like we need to convince God we are good enough to be freed.  I tell you this, there is nothing we can do to remove the sin nature in us.  We as people are born sinful and cannot escape it.  Knowing this does not make it easier and sometimes it makes it harder knowing there is nothing we can do to control our weaknesses.  It is just in us. 
            I can attest to this personally since I battled with anger, depression, and PTSD. There are days I wake up, sun is shining and I am ready to tackle the world.  I love my children, my husband, my friends, my job and of course my God.  "Yes, I am happy! I'm gonna rock this." I say to myself. Unfortunately, you will learn I talk to myself a lot.  Lol!  So everything is going fine until suddenly I am hit by a train of some stupid trigger that sends me to my past life.  I cannot control it and my "Yes, I am happy!" life is defeated.  That easy, that fast.  Instantly the bag of burdens overcome me.  Doing this same cycle for many years the THORN in my flesh has made my body and soul weak and weary.  Sometimes it is hard to function.  Hope is lost and the struggle of life begins.  How strong can I fight this time?  Will I be able to overcome it?  What will I have to sacrifice today?  What will I lose?  Who will I hurt?  My mind is rattling out of control.
            I know I am not alone in this struggle for a happy life.  The hurts of life are everywhere and rooted deep in everyone.  I am sure you all have had that thorn in your side that keeps you feeling weak.  It reeks havoc on your life and your relationship with God.  Hold tight because there is good news and this is it. We can have peace my friends!
            Today, I encourage you to keep reading through 2 Corinthians 12:9 where God himself is saying this:  "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."   Paul says that no matter the weakness, the insults, the hardships, persecutions, and all difficulties he will delight!  For when we are weak, we become strong.  In these moments when weakness becomes evident, the one true God and most powerful shows his strength.  In our weakness we call on Him to be our comforter.  We seek and search Him and then because of His grace He will lead us and give us strength to get through any trial and prove He is the real deal.
            I am going to keep this short but I have one last thing to say and I will leave you in prayer.  There is freedom in knowing that our weaknesses do not have to hold us back from having a happy life.  We cannot control them but our God can.  Our weaknesses can help us learn perseverance and become stronger.  Each weakness is a tool to strengthen the faith and honor we give the Almighty God.  Whatever you are going through or have been through, there is a reason and I ask you to not lose hope!

Prayer:  Please God, I ask you to remove these thorns from my flesh and if my trials are here to stay, for one day or twenty, help me learn to use them as a tool to draw closer to you. Help me to humble myself and keep my focus on your grace and will for my life.  I know you will not give me more than I can handle and I thank you for this blessing.  One day at a time, one moment at a time, I fight the good fight for you.  Amen.



  1. Thank you for posting this Renee. I was searching my bible last night for the right verse to hold on to. Sent to me from God via you. Perfect. ❤️

    1. Awesome! I am so amazed how God reveals Himself to us. I hope this verse will stay close to your heart.


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